Tuesday, January 25, 2011

blissful beauty

If you read yesterday's post, you saw that I am not feeling 100%.
Stupid virus.

I've figured this virus out. When I tell you how to fight it, you're going to roll your eyes.
Well, the secret is...


 Have I rocked your world?
I haven't? That's what your mom told you, too?
...yeah, well, experience is an interesting teacher; moms are better. (I heard it from my mom, first, too.)

The way this virus reacts to sleep is dramatic. I'm not talking about just a good night's rest.
This is some sort of "nap bug". If I am feeling really crummy, but I let myself conk out for a few minutes *cough*hours*cough*, I feel amazingly better.

I didn't get much rest Friday night. My heart rate went up for three hours, and I was dehydrated. It makes enough sense for me to get sick from that.

On top of that, I'm a night person. I have the hardest time going to sleep at a good hour.
For the past three weeks or so, every weekday, I've been getting up at 6:30. I thought it would help adjust my sleep schedule.

I. Am. Not. A. Morning. Person.

So why put myself through torture? One simple, lovely answer: COFFEE. Cappuccino, to be exact.
That is so worth zombie-behavior in the morning.

I'm sure, reader, that you now have plenty of questions.
1) Where does the coffee come from? 2)Why 6:30? 3)Why do you keep blogging my assumed questions? 4)Are you a mind reader? 

As for number one: well, reader, the coffee comes from a coffee plant. The plant is located somewhere warm and exotic. Somewhere I would love to be right now. The tree/bush/plant is harvested... here, look at this diagram:

...oh, you mean the finished product? 

It's magic. Poof, there it is, at 6:30 every morning. Coffee elves.
Descendants of the shoe cobbler elves. See?

Actually, no.

To answer question 2:
See, I have a wonderful mom and dad. Mom has work in the morning, and Dad gets up and makes her a cappuccino. If I am up, I get a cappuccino too.
Dad's pretty possessive of his espresso machine, so, you know, if I over-sleep, then I can have plain old coffee, which is okay, but not at that same goodness level.

(cappuccino > coffee. See, I can use math in everyday life! lightbulb moment!)

It's pretty much a win-win. My parents get me out of bed at a good hour so I can be functioning by say, 8 or so, and I get bribed with yummyness.
I'm such a sucker for caffeine.

Questions 3 and 4?

I KNOW what's on your minds, I have my ways, ok?

Have I answered your queries? If I haven't, ask away! I LOVE answering questions, I really do. I have a formspring (you know, that site where you ask bizarre questions anonymously to avoid embarrassment? If that sounds fun to you, click here)
...or you can comment. Comments are lovely, lovely things. Comments get you kudos, and kudos from me are worth a lot, ok? ok.

Where was I? Oh yes.
I've been getting up at that before-the-crack-of-dawn-time.
Today, I slept in.

Technically, I still got up at 6:30 for my coffee shot, but THEN, I went back to sleep. (if drinking coffee and going back to sleep sounds odd to you, remember that you aren't sick and tired like me. Normally, that is odd behavior.)

I'm not making sleeping in a habit, but oh man, it was so blissful. I felt amazing waking up when the sun was streaming in through my windows. I felt rested and truly alive, not zombie-alive.


If only I can remember that at night when I don't want to sleep.

The only downside to my extra sleep today was that I had less time to get ready for Physics class.

But that is ok. I was in a wonderful mood as I walked in class a few minutes late.
My teacher is a chill dude, and really nice.
Physics is actually a great course to take. I can feel my brain growing while I sit in lecture. True story.

I am going to try to stay on Mr. Converse's good side and be on time in the future...

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