Monday, October 03, 2011


Ok, before I go to sleep, I thought of another secret: I have a beauty mark.
Lame secret, I know. 
It's actually as plain as the nose on my face, but since this is the interweb, and you may have never seen me in person, I thought I'd share.
I just have this funny little spot on on the outer edge of my lower lip,  in the direct center. It looks like I did it on purpose, like maybe I chewed a pen or just dotted my lip.

It might become a trend someday, just like the beauty mark on the cheek became the in style thing to do during Cindy Crawford's time (and Marie Antoinette's!).

Also, as a part of that secret, I'll divulge that I am usually unaware of what I look like. I often forget that I have lots of freckles.
I forget that I have unique hair.
I forget that I'm a little bit different from Jane Doe.
Which is not bad, and not good.

I just am what I am. 

When people are all, "THAT'S a LOT of freckles!", or, "check out that hair!", I feel slightly bemused.
I'm really used to my freckles; I don't even notice them.
My hair? Oh yeah, it is red!

and for those of you who might be envisioning me as Quasi-modo, know that I am not that different-looking.

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