Monday, October 24, 2011

All I want is everything.

Here we go. Seven wants. Are you ready for this? You'd better be, because I am off-schedule with the ten day challenge. So sorry.
  1. I want to be a girl after God's heart. Being a light, no matter where I go. Being a person who holds to her conviction and shows Jesus-love to everyone. Basically, a sold-out girl for God.
  2. I want to develop my hobbies into skills. I am terrible about picking something up, getting intensely interested in it, and then forgetting/not having time to continue. Case and point, youtube videos, photography, drama, music...and *cough*blogging*cough* I love all of these things, I just don't have the time to work on them until I become pro. 
  3. I want to do the crazy stuff. What I mean by this is, no regrets. I want to live, and because this life is so (relatively) short, I want to be bold and keep an eternal perspective. 
  4. I want to cultivate relationships and be a better friend. In this 24/7, connectivity-crazed world, you'd think it would be easy to stay-in-touch/develop friendships. But, in my experience, people are so busy, we never get to talk about deep things that actually matter. I want to know my friends, not just what their witty tweet says. 
  5. Okay, since this is all about wants and not needs, I'll do the obvious one: I want to travel. I don't really know of many people who don't want to travel the world, I am not in that category. I want to see the beauty of God's creation and capture it on film. 
  6. Here are the insane want wants: to speak every language, master every accent, write a book, save the world from gluttony and starvation, put out a cd and tour the country, take pictures for national geographic, run a marathon, and lose these horrible allergies.
  7. This one seems counter-to-the-point, but, I want to know what I want. I am pretty much indecisive when it comes to making up my mind. Brian Regan does a bit about donuts, and how crazy people are when they order them, changing their minds and going bezerk. When I have to make a decision, I'm almost like that, but not quite that insane: 

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