"Most people go to Europe or the Caribbean or someplace nice for their first out-of-country experience. Honey, I think you missed the memo."
-nurse giving me shots
Progress has been made!
I am excited, because I now have my yellow card. I know how people wanting a green card feel. Kinda.
I have all of the shots and immunizations I need for travel to Africa (well, I do have some typhoid pills to take after I finish up this antibiotic treatment for my strep throat. It's crazy how everything hits all at once, isn't it?)
So I have amoxacillin in my system from the strep, and I ended up getting three shots for travel.
I really don't like needles. Or the thought of shots.
Some people are creepy and like watching the needle go into their body.
NOT ME. Ew, ew, ew!
So I feel loopy today. But that's okay.
I am so thankful for modern medicine.
Today started out kinda crummy. (Locked outside in PJ's in the cold? Yep...)
But then I remembered, God has got this. And he is majorly showering me with blessings I take for granted.
Like health, beautiful weather, family, and people who care about me.
Taking time to notice those little blessings totally changes ones outlook.
Today is going to be awesome. Because God is in control, and I am not.
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