Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Head knowledge vs. heart knowledge

Eyy Blog.

What a fantastic week it has been so far! I've had the great fun of counseling 8 little girls during the day. Plus, my cabin assistant? She has red hair, just like me.
 My cabin has had such a good time together. I am thrilled that my girls all get along. (That is such a praise to be thankful for!)

This week has been exhausting, I felt like I was plunged into the week with little foreknowledge of what exactly was going on.
Monday was... intense. I had the feeling I was trying to learn too many things at once. Everything felt new to me. It was fantastic, don't get me wrong, but just overwhelming with the load of new information.
I came home, and all I wanted to do was sleep.
Sleep, sleep, sleep.
Like, I couldn't keep my eyes open when I was watching one of my favorite TV shows.
Yes, that kind of sleep. Old people kind of sleep.

Yesterday, I was almost equally sleepy.

I am really loving that activity. Sleeeep.

I always underrate it and put it off for later. Because there are books to read, things to do, people to text, blogs to write...

But sometimes ones body knows best and shuts it all down. I mean, right now, I feel like I've been up for ages (if you can call 6:30 a.m. ages) and I can sense that my body is about to conk out from the days events.

I love having this kind of tired.
The kind of tired when you can just let your head hit the pillow and you are out cold until the alarm sounds in the morning.
Absolutely fantastic. No such thing as insomnia for me!

At day camp, the schedule is such that the girls shouldn't get bored at all. We spend a short time on each activity, so it's like rush, rush, rush, hither and thither.
But it's perfect, because these girls have short attention spans.

So, I have to tell you about something so super mind-blowing.

The other day, I was supposed to be heading for camp for the first day of daycamp. I was getting ready and all of that good stuff; grabbing all sorts of last minute items. I had a running list of things to be done going in my head. I was ever-so-slightly afraid of being late.

Then, as I dashed about, I remembered that I needed to have a good solid quiet time to start my day right.

I was thinking, "I really don't have the time to do this, I really really don't. 
I am going to be so late if I sit down and have some focused prayer and devotion right now. Maybe I should do it later."

Yet, I felt very convicted.
Like I had the feeling that I had to do that thing right then.
Who was I kidding? There is no way, with the kind of schedule I have during the day, to really get some good quality quiet time during day camp.

Plus, that the whole point of me going to share Christ's love with these kids would be totally WASTED if I wasn't in tune with God. How could I be loving if I hadn't been filled up with Love?

Can it get any plainer than that?

Anywho, I sat myself down, glanced at my watch somewhat worriedly, and flipped open my prayer journal and Bible. I prayed, Okay, Lord, I feel like this is the right thing to do, so please bless this time with you. 
Oh boy He did.
I read and read, getting lost in the beauty of the passages.
I gleaned knowledge about true humility and the proper way of loving others.
I got a good eternal perspective on my day.
I prayed, bringing my requests to God unconscious of the time.
I felt really good about the time I had spent with Him exclusively. Sure I may pray through the day, but it's not meditation/ full attention on just Him and me.

Afterwards, I felt totally refreshed and clean. It's a hard thing to describe, the scrubbing of the soul and the knowledge that there is Someone who knows you (and not just knows of you), who wants to be with you, who can fill you with an intense burning love like no other.
Feeling that kind of love indescribable.

And even though I experienced all of that, it didn't take that much time. I wasn't rushing, really.

I started out feeling like I didn't have enough time to have a quiet time, let alone get all of the tasks I wanted accomplished completed, but get this: after my quiet time, I was able to get all of the things I was "stressing over" done without any stress, and I still left my house with plenty of time to spare.
Normally, I would have been rushing out the door in a tizzy. Not so this time.

God is amazing. That was just a small (big to me) way that He showed He is totally faithful when I prioritize and put Him first.
I knew this (head knowledge), but it is so fantastic to me to be reminded in such a way.

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