Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Four important commands

This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says:

In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength,

but you would have none of it.

Isaiah 30:15

I consider myself as stressed out and "normal" as the next person. I have nothing, absolutely nothing to boast about. …and I'm not boasting about not being able to boast. I can only boast that Jesus has made all things well with my soul, and that He can make all things well for anyone.

One thing I have learned by going overseas is that it does not automatically make you a 'super-christian'.

It is a fantastic experience, and I think that everyone should spend a few months in another country so as to get a better perspective on life…but upon starting some volunteer work, no halo appeared above my head.
…I am the same me, but God is stretching me out and molding me to become better.

Today I read Isaiah 30:15:
In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength,
but you would have none of it. 

Key actions: repentance, rest, quietness, and trust.

According to God, these are important to salvation and strength.

These words are in response to stubborn Israel, who refused to hear that God was extending forgiveness, if only they would repent.

They were childish, pretty much covering their ears and singing, "la la la!"

…though I can't say that I haven't acted that way when I am convicted that I am doing something wrong.

I think of this verse as a four step process:

1)Repent of sins. It's like washing your hands, and it's a necessity to having a good communication line with God.

2) Rest. After you've laid your burdens and sin down before God, take time to just relax in the knowing that He has forgiven. The worries of this life should erase. What is more important than knowing that the LORD God of the UNIVERSE has forgiven all your sins and loves you unconditionally? I think this should bring some great peace.

3) Be quiet before Him. To simply be still is something that is much harder than it sounds. To free one's mind from all other distractions, well, for me, is very difficult. Today, I spent time dwelling on the wonderful attributes of God. When you take time to think about how excellent He is, it changes the perspective of everything. When you focus on God, it's just…wow!

4) Finally, trust. Knowing that God has got you and he never lets His righteous fall, should be the ultimate source of courage. You can't fail if you're trusting Him!

God has been giving me a lot to munch on lately concerning my service to Him. I've been learning that I need others to have the endurance to serve, and that the quality of my service is so much more important than the quantity. Really, it's all the same lesson, but it is being repeated in different ways.

Those Israelites refused to repent, rest, be quiet, and trust.

God longs to be gracious and loving. He wants to give you strength! But of course, He gives you the will to choose.

Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you;
He rises to show you compassion.
For the LORD is a God of justice.
Blessed are all who wait for Him!

Isaiah 30:18

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