Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hey, older Makenzie, remember this?

(this is a post for me when I'm older and in denial of how I used to be. Also, it's a nice break from math problems at the moment)

So, I'm a geek.
I mean, there isn't much I can do to help it, it's in my nature.
Maybe older me will totally try to deny it, but here it is in lettering for all the world to see. Ha.

*NOTE: Usually when people proclaim themselves to be geeks, they are incorrect in labeling themselves in such a manner. But I really am one. It's scary. I have been reaffirmed on this from a number of sources. (...and I write like a nerd with some of this phrasing...)*

I have a thing for trivia. I can spout off some weird facts, especially about musicians and songs.

It's only right that I plan on increasing my geek-hood.

Maybe someday, I'll even find a geeky guy (who's also stunningly handsome, speaks 9 languages, incredibly intellectual, a talented musician, athletic, and a strong Christian. Also, he's humble. AND he likes coffee. Hey, a girl can dream...)

This reminder of geekiness made me think about how I view myself and how I actually am.
(Not that how I view myself and how I am are one and the same, by any means. I admit to having a rather subjective view of myself.)

At the moment, these 10 things are how basically I would define myself (for posterity of older me looking back at this someday):
  1. Redheaded. This isn't apt to change for a good long while. ...unless I go prematurely gray.
  2. Eclectic. I like all sorts of things, I can't quite fit into one category of society. I don't follow trends. I'm really happy following my own drum. I'm also usually tongue-in-cheek about everything.
  3. Thrifty. I like saving money and making my dollars stretch. For the most part, I'm a deal finder. I do know how to splurge on occasion (I'm no tightwad).
  4. Organized, yet messy. As of right now (as I take a short reprieve from trying to refresh myself on basic precalculus) I've been busy. I've neglected my room, I have stacks of papers to sort. Clothes to fold. But, aside from that, I am usually a neat and orderly person. Seeing things organized gives me a happy sigh. Once I catch up with my assignments, there will be order. I cannot stand disorder.                                   You know what they say...A cluttered desk is a cluttered mind, so an empty desk is an... empty mind.
  5. I'm a technophile. Like, seriously. I may not know all of the jargon or coding, but I really like to tinker and learn. Eventually, maybe, I'll get into the programming aspect of things. [I pretty much want to learn a little bit of everything. Like, from every discipline. This is why I can't settle on a college degree to pursue.]
  6. A runner. I must get in some form of exercise daily, or else I may just go mad entirely. Exercise helps to keep me sane. Running is my vice of choice.
  7. Shutterbug. Need I elaborate?
  8. One word: coffee.
  9. I'm a lover of music. Good music can change a mood entirely. Also, I love hearing phenomenal live music, it gives me chills and a giddy excitedness.
  10. Most importantly, I'm a follower of Christ. I would be in a bad place if I didn't have Him guiding me through the crazy maze of life.  He gets the credit for any good that I can do. 
So, this is basically a self-check, I've changed a lot in the past few years, and I think maybe someday I'll re-read this and....

...roll my eyes at what a dork I am/was.

Or maybe when I become famous (hahaha. riiiiight.) this will be something that people reference.
You know, someday you might read in my biographies:

"In her late teens, Makenzie kept a blog of the happenings of her life. It gives us a good insight into who she was as she grew up. One particular post, from when she was but 18, tells us of her interests and her view of herself...blah, blah, blah."

I have a boring biography writer. If a biography ever happens, please make sure it's a good writer.

...I think this math is getting to me.
Maybe I should call it quits for the night.

(also, I bought 5 notebooks, two boxes of pencils, and two boxes of crayons for $0.48 today. Yesss!)

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