Tuesday, December 06, 2011

forming habits

Two posts in a row? What?
Am I going back to the old ways?
...maybe. Maybe not.
Maybe I'm not ready to commit.
So today, I am still sick. I decided that since I had a major test this morning, I should go, of course, and knock the top off that thing.
When I am sick, my critical thinking skills go away. No really they do. Also, I lose my motor skills to a degree, or maybe all of my fingers get magically coated in butter. I'm not sure which, but I might go for the butter. I'm a klutz when I'm sick, okay?

Anyways, so this sickness is ATTACKING MY VOCAL CHORDS. I can't even speak without wincing. It actually hurts to talk. I've had it where I've lost my voice, but never where it hurt this badly to speak. I think it's because I've picked up this annoying habit of speaking quickly. You see, at my job, I have to explain such complex things as beauty club cards and point systems and why some coupons don't work. These things can take a lot of time.
Many people are not satisfied with a, "It's magic, okay? Just be happy I saved you money."
True story.
So, yes. In order to satisfy customer's curiosity, I speak at a clipped pace, prattling on about why people need to sign up for email offers and magazines, explainging why certain mascaras are better... blah blah. This faster talking has spilled over to everywhere else. I'm working on reigning it in, because it annoys me. It's a hard habit to break.

As I said in my last post, I have been working. Today, I felt better than I did the day before (read: low fever) so I decided to duke it out and go to work. It was a good decision, because pretty much everyone on staff is calling out sick. I croaked my way through my shift, sucking throat lozenges and watching the clock. I still love my job, but it was a rough shift. I think everyone is having a rough time of it, there were a lot of people who were just not in very happy moods.

On to happiness.
This video made me laugh. Maye I laughed too much. Maybe I laughed because I'm sick. Maybe that laughter turned into coughing. Maybe...just maybe, you should watch it (if you haven't)

1 comment:

  1. I watched it! it was very funny! However, my laughter was interior, it didn't make me cough. ;)


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