I've decided to use tumblr. Well, I've restarted my tumblr. It has been there all along, unused and neglected.
It even has a clever name. ME, for me, of course, and also ME for Makenzie Elizabeth, my name.
The URL is super easy to remember, because it's the address of this blog, only with a .tumblr instead of a .blogspot
I am so socially networked, it's crazy.
We all know that...
You have to have twitter to keep up with celebrities.
You have to have facebook to keep up with long lost friends and acquaintances.
You have to have a blog, because well, it's cool.
And now I have to have a tumblr to blog easily on-the-go.
From my phone. Aren't I cool and technologically advanced?
So, when you feel like you just need to have more doses of me (fat chance), know that I will be posting on my tumblr (<-- that's a link. You should click it. Or if you're feeling rebellious, you should click this link. Or maybe this one. Ok, last chance to click a link!)
Go check it out.
You won't be disappointed.
...ok, maybe you will.
But all the cool people are liking it.
You are a cool person, right?
Either way, you should still go look at it. (I lied, you get another chance to click a link)
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