Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Frosted windowpanes, greasy hair

Well, it’s almost Christmas!
I think they decided to celebrate Christ’s birth in the dead of winter to counterbalance the bitter cold.

I hate the cold. The festivities make it bearable.
Cold. It’s brutally chapping. It makes me bundle up like a marshmallow. It makes me sleepy.
Winter is not the best time of year.
There is a silver lining. Granted, I love ice skating, skiing, and snowball fights. I love hot coca and toasty fires. I’m glad for my fluffy bathrobe and fuzzy slippers. Winter isn't all bad, I guess.

I’ve been wanting to “re-moisturize” my hair, because the cold is making it dry out like crazy. So, I looked in an “all-natural” book, and they suggested that I use a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice on my scalp.

I did. I mean really, what’s the worst that can happen?

It’s been an experience.

The olive oil is like afro-sheen on steroids.
As for the lemon juice, well, the lemon juice must be in there to restore my hair’s coppery vibrance.
(You know how you can soak pennies in lemon juice and they come out really shiny? I hoped this was the case. My hair is penny-colored.)

So I applied the mixture to my head. It felt good, though a bit slimy. The book said to slather it all over, so I did.
I let it soak in, as instructed.

Then I went to wash my hair.


The olive oil refused to come out. The lemon juice made everything smell funky. Like cleaner or something.

Eventually, after washing and washing, I gave up.
At least my hair is not dry in the least.
It’s OILY.
Go figure. Olive oil would make your hair greasy?

My hair is very fine, and doesn’t do well with afro-sheen.

Well, now I look like some grungy beatnik. Or maybe a 90’s rocker wannabe.

EVENTUALLY this stuff will come out, right?
In the meantime, I’ll be wearing a bandanna and double-checking all-natural remedies before trying them.

...I had to be out in public like this.
I had my hair tucked under a beanie (therefore looking like a chemo patient/bald person).
I went into wal-mart.
...I think I blended in nicely.

I also learned to drive stick-shift today, even though I had the distraction of this grunge-hair.

I drove a bit like a communist leader.

I was Stalin. (feel free to slap your knee now.)

...Aha! Mom has a few suggestions for me to try as far as getting the excess grease out of my hair. I'm thrilled.
So, if you haven't heard, there have been studies done on facebook users.
Supposedly, people who update their status's frequently are prone to narcissism, while those who check their facebook often are more likely to be insecure.
This makes me laugh. Insecure narcissists?
It's like,
"Hey look at me guys! I'm so amazing. Look at what I did. I'm fabulous...right? guys? Do you agree? Please accept me!"

The truth hits close to home. I do check my facebook when I get online, and I do update my status at least once a day-ish....I've learnt something new about myself.

I didn't know I was such an insecure, yet full of myself person.

Today marks exactly one month. One whole month until it happens. I'm on the fence as to whether this is a good or a bad thing.



  1. I'm one of those people that checks her facebook very often too and puts updates there quite often. I must admit I'm guilty of the whole insecure narcissistic mentality until about a couple weeks ago. It's real easy to be led away like that. I just have too much time on my hands and I'm glad it's not going to be that way next semester. Need to keep myself in check and ask myself the obvious question with the obvious answer - Is it about God or me? It's so tempting to shout out "ME!!", but is that how it should be? It sure looks like that's what I want it to be - about me, not Him.

  2. Beula! Thank you so much for that great input! I'm encouraged. I hope that school isn't sucking away too much of your time now :)
    and AMEN!!


your feedback is so very welcome here.

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