I've kinda abandoned the blog.
This post isn't about my own feelings of such.
So sorry, little blog.
It was unintentional, and while I've had plenty of good rants and observations built up, I have yet to post them.
I HAVE AN AMAZING STORY. But it will get posted later, because it needs a little work (e.g. I have to type it)
I turned 20 (TWENTY!) one week ago, and while I know it is silly (especially to older people) to feel that this is a big change, it is a big change for me.
Not. A. Teenager. Any. More.
This was somewhat upsetting, but I am coping.
School is consisting of 18 hours of credit work, which I am finding to be manageable, AND all of my classes are interesting (which makes a big difference in manageability)
But it is only the second week, so I shouldn't speak too soon.
And I have had a lovely sort of surprise.
This semester, I am taking Organic Chemistry 1.
I heard horror stories.
I went in apprehensively.
I love it.
I like drawing organic structures. It is like a fun puzzle.
But again, it is only the second week of classes.
We're still in review/baby steps mode. (and maybe I'm hyping it up a little bit to convince myself I can make an A)
I have recently had my suspicions confirmed that my thing is science.
I'm also getting to be a TA for the Intro to Nutrition course.
I am excited, though when I was grading sample papers, I found out that I was a harsh grader.
It just seems to me that once someone is IN COLLEGE, they should be able to use some form of acceptable syntax and KNOW when a sentence is run-on. They need to recognize subject verb agreement. They should know when they are making no sense.
...apparently not.
I'm a grammar freak. Even though I know that my own writing is rife with mistake, I can easily spot error in the work of others. It's terrible.
I'm a hypocrite.
I will try to relax my grading standards. It IS Intro to Nutrition and NOT an English class.
...I might still highlight mistakes so that the student is aware that I'm aware that they need to fix that.
Since I was an English Major in college, I appreciated reading this post, it made me giggle and reminded me of myself a little :-) Hope all is well with you! Keep blogging, I love to read what you have to say.