Thursday, November 04, 2010

Peanut butter and apples

I started the day with apple and peanut butter.

It runs in the family. My Mimi converted me at an early age. One of her favorite breakfast foods is an apple and peanut butter sandwich.
It's good stuff.
It's raining outside.

I'm going to go be TOTALLY productive today. long blog posts...


I've received a few drawings and crafts from some cute little kiddos in the past few weeks! That sort of thoughtfulness is fabulous. It's going in my scrapbook.

I'm such a sentimental person. I have a pretty pink box filled with letters and wayy back from when I was 7 or so. That's a lot of memories.

Okay, timetobeproductive.
Hold me accountable!
Goodbye internet world!

I just remembered that I'm getting my braces tightened tomorrow. I need to eat something crunchy while I can.
...I'm also going to further develop my super-powers. I haven't forgotten. These things do take time to show themselves.

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